Vision Refuge is an opportunity for a small group to gather with Vanessa in a three day immersion centered around actualizing deeply held visions, and receiving focused time and mentorship to ignite liberated leadership and clarify a resonant path forward.
February 26th - February 28th, 2025 Ojai, California
Vision Refuge is an invitation to immerse in....
3 days of transformative learning, self inquiry, mentorship and visionary guidance to catalyze your personal, entrepreneurial or community inspired project.
3 days devoted to growing, nurturing, clarifying &embodying what you envision as way of life and service.
3 days of honoring what is most alive & truly calling you while bringing transformative awareness to what may be holding you back.
3 days focused on navigating your living map, exploring your unique blueprints and illuminating a soulfully aligned and practical path for bringing your vision to life.